Aczee Serum

Aczee Serum

Product Highlights

  • Controls sebum production
  • Treats active acne
  • Prevent future breakouts
  • Non-greasy, Non-comedogenic, Non-oily
  • Paraben Free
  • Alcohol Free
  • Sulphate Free


Product Overview

Powerful Combinations: Formulated with 10% Azelaic Acid, a multifunctional active along with patented actives like Ferulic Acid & Resveratrol that synergistically address multiple skin concerns.

Unique Technology: Formulated with encapsulated technology to deliver the actives at the target site & give best efficacious results.

Clinically proved: All the actives are clinically proven and backed by science

Multifunctional Skin Benefits: Each application provides multiple benefits like acne & oil control, skin lightening, hydration, etc.


Active Ingredients:

Azelaic Acid, BioGenic Scleria, BioGenic Resveratrol, Scleria



Oily Skin, Acne, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Blemishes, Dark Spots, Dull Skin


Before using the product, it is mandatory to do a patch test to avoid any skin reactions or allergies.

The patch test will help you to know if you will have any unfavourable reactions to the new product or not.

Steps to follow to perform the patch test:

  • Apply a small amount of product on a clean surface of your forearm.
  • Wait for maximum 25-30 minutes.
  • If you observe any kind of redness, or blistering or experience burning, irritation or itching discontinue using the product.
  • If you do not observe any of the above reactions you can continue to use the product.


Note: This patch test only determines the early adverse reaction of the product and does not determine similar results when applied to other body parts. This test should not be used to diagnose any underlying conditions.


Net Weight: 30ml


  • Wash, Clean & pat dry your face before applying the serum.
  • Pump out few drops of Aczee serum and apply on the affected areas.
  • Gently massage with your fingertips till the serum gets completely absorbed in the skin.
  • Use twice a day in morning and in night
  • During the day follow up with a sunscreen.